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Online Worship and Bible Studies

Evangelism and World Missions

Online Single's Ministry

​​First Berean Church of Southern California

Live Streaming Every Sunday and Wednesday


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Acts 17:10-11

About the Ministry

The First Berean Church of Southern California is dedicated to fulfill a five part mission:

  • Evangelism - Preaching the Saving Gospel Message of Jesus Christ.
  • Discipleship - Teaching believers to faithfully follow the teachings of Jesus Christ and His Apostles.
  • Revivalism - Exhorting the Body of Christ to holy living and evangelism.
  • Missions - Supporting the cause of Christ in foreign lands.
  • Practical Ministry - Praying for the sick, visiting those in prison, ministering to those in need.

About the Online Worship and Bible Studies

The online worship services and Bible studies provide a straightforward focus on the essential message of spiritual rebirth, healing, and deliverance from spiritual bondage by Jesus Christ. We accomplish this through:

  • Preaching the Gospel of Jesus.
  • Teaching the Biblical Worldview as given to us by Jesus Christ, His Disciples, and the Prophets.
  • Worship in the love and comfort of the Holy Spirit through the ministry of music.
  • Special prayers for healing and deliverance from spiritual bondage.

Our Emphasis

The goal of our ministry is to be used of God to reach the lost, that they may have a personal encounter with Jesus Christ and develop an authentic relationship with God through:

  • Preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • Teaching Sound Christian Doctrine.
  • Faithfulness in true worship in the love and comfort of the Holy Spirit.
  • Faithfulness in intercessory prayers for healing and spiritual deliverance.